The last three weeks have been very hard on us fellow monkey-caregivers. One of us lost a monkey due to diabetes complications and another one lost their monkey due to a accidental bite and then another one lost their monkey after performing a grueling 4 ½ hour emergency surgery to fix a blockage.
Oh, I must mention that we monkey-caregiver friends have also been so concerned about the primate laws changing in the state of Ohio. We watched one of our friends say good-bye to her monkey before these laws changed and the monkey would soon be confiscated.
All of the above were terrible losses to not only the individual monkey-caregivers, but to many of us who share and follow each others monkeys on the monkey groups and on Facebook.
****I am so worn out with the feelings of stress and the emotional feelings that these types of things make me choose to feel and that falls under one category,
This category has to be the only one of it's kind and that is - “Out of Control” which takes you to a complete feeling of helplessness.
****The feeling of being "out of control" is very prevalent when you are a monkey-caregiver, just as it is when you are a parent of a child.
I do not have children but I must say having the monks is by far.. the closest things to it.
****The number one thing that is different is that the legal system has now become very involved with the rules and regulations regarding monkeys.
(Special Note) If you do not like the feeling of
“Out of Control" then please do not get a monkey!
There will be so many times that you will feel these types of emotions while being a monkey-caregiver. It takes a person or family on an very different type of journey when you choose to have a monkey. If you think there are times that you feel "out of control" with being a mom or dad to a child - then let me make this next statement very clear when I say...
****You can choose to be a monkey-caregiver but it is very important to remember this... it is not a child - it is a monkey!
The new laws that govern monkeys are a very different from when I first started owning monkeys twenty-five years ago. It is very important that everyone must know the vet care, the daily diet and care of a monkey, are all very different from that of caring for a child. You may use many children's items to care for a monkey but this does not make it a child.
Please get your copy of “Living With Monkeys” The Baby Book and learn some of the reasons why your monkey is choosing to do some of the things they are doing now. You can also learn what it really takes to be a monkey-caregiver and what types of rules that you should follow to be successful with raising a monkey in captivity.
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****Join with me in sending love and healing prayers out to the families who are recovering from their deep hurt and loss in the monkey community.
To loose a monkey is totally heart-breaking. These people need you to send them love and healing prayers often.
Oh, I must mention that we monkey-caregiver friends have also been so concerned about the primate laws changing in the state of Ohio. We watched one of our friends say good-bye to her monkey before these laws changed and the monkey would soon be confiscated.
All of the above were terrible losses to not only the individual monkey-caregivers, but to many of us who share and follow each others monkeys on the monkey groups and on Facebook.
****I am so worn out with the feelings of stress and the emotional feelings that these types of things make me choose to feel and that falls under one category,
This category has to be the only one of it's kind and that is - “Out of Control” which takes you to a complete feeling of helplessness.
****The feeling of being "out of control" is very prevalent when you are a monkey-caregiver, just as it is when you are a parent of a child.
I do not have children but I must say having the monks is by far.. the closest things to it.
****The number one thing that is different is that the legal system has now become very involved with the rules and regulations regarding monkeys.
(Special Note) If you do not like the feeling of
“Out of Control" then please do not get a monkey!
There will be so many times that you will feel these types of emotions while being a monkey-caregiver. It takes a person or family on an very different type of journey when you choose to have a monkey. If you think there are times that you feel "out of control" with being a mom or dad to a child - then let me make this next statement very clear when I say...
****You can choose to be a monkey-caregiver but it is very important to remember this... it is not a child - it is a monkey!
The new laws that govern monkeys are a very different from when I first started owning monkeys twenty-five years ago. It is very important that everyone must know the vet care, the daily diet and care of a monkey, are all very different from that of caring for a child. You may use many children's items to care for a monkey but this does not make it a child.
Please get your copy of “Living With Monkeys” The Baby Book and learn some of the reasons why your monkey is choosing to do some of the things they are doing now. You can also learn what it really takes to be a monkey-caregiver and what types of rules that you should follow to be successful with raising a monkey in captivity.
Go to:
****Join with me in sending love and healing prayers out to the families who are recovering from their deep hurt and loss in the monkey community.
To loose a monkey is totally heart-breaking. These people need you to send them love and healing prayers often.