In the writing of “The Baby Book” I wanted to introduce as many things that I felt were important for new people who are thinking about getting a monkey to know about. Of course, programming, being consistent, and remembering to continue to introduce new things to a new monkey is talked about repeatedly in the book. But as I am working on “The Toddler Book,” I have realized how important it is for us to understand how gifted monkeys are in their abilities to “Read and Process All Types of Changing Energies” which are occuring around them.
****I am so thankful for my knowledge of the many gifts that monkeys are born with. I desire to raise Silly Willy staying very conscious of them and to teach others about these gifts.
As I am analyzing and watching my Silly Willy change and grow through his toddler-hood years, I am learning how he responds to the energy changes so differently now that he is growing towards his teenage years.
I now have a better understanding as to why I was guided to design the “Living With Monkeys” series of book in the way that I did. “The Baby Book” is full of stories and information that will help people to understand the changes that will happen as your monkeys grow and change throughout the stages of their emotional growth into adulthood.
(SPECIAL NOTE) Their God-given skills, such as being wonderful “Energy Readers,” continue to grow and change and become more advanced during their lifetime.
We have learned so much from having these wonderful creatures from God. We see how important their early programming is to them as their skills continue to grow and unfold as they age. The monkeys who live in the wild do not get to live out their full life expectancy as many of the monkeys who live in captivity do. I have always been watchful of my monkeys as they gained advancement in some of their skills and lost in others as they have aged.
Please go to and get your easy to down-load copy of “The Baby Book." You will be glad that you did even if your monkey is an older monkey.