The name of the first book of the series is called “The Baby Book” which is a little deceiving about the contents of the book. This book is full of good monkey information no matter what age your monkey might be. I think the most important areas this book focuses on is getting a clearer understand about not only the mindset of a monkey who is living in captivity, but also a better understanding about the stages of emotional growth that they go through.
From the reading of this book monkey caregivers of any age monkey can learn why some of the problems with their own monkeys could be coming from their early programming as babies.
We talk about these types of things and how to use behavioral modification to turn bad behavior into good behavior in “The Baby Book.” is the place to go to order your downloadable copy
From the reading of this book monkey caregivers of any age monkey can learn why some of the problems with their own monkeys could be coming from their early programming as babies.
We talk about these types of things and how to use behavioral modification to turn bad behavior into good behavior in “The Baby Book.” is the place to go to order your downloadable copy